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Option to change nick name @....

Fabio Bilicki 8 years ago 0

Option to change nick name

@fbio.bilicki is bad,, @fabiobilicki is good.... ;-)


Adding area of expertise in Profile would be really good

Soumyasanto Sen 8 years ago updated by Gabriella Gogl-Gyorgy 8 years ago 1

Adding area of expertise in Profile would be really good, it could not only add value to the profile but also helps others to know more and easy to follow.


Change of user ID

Waldemar Schakiel 8 years ago updated by Fabio Bilicki 8 years ago 1

My proposal is the change possibility of user-ID, for example from S-User to public user.

Under review

Profile Picture

Vladimirs Semikins 8 years ago updated by Jeremy Good 8 years ago 3

Possibility to migrate user profile picture from social accounts, e.g. import profile picture from twitter/gavatar/facebook


Bring back the old SCN... stop changing it!

thebradzter 8 years ago 0

The last SCN was working great finally and then you went and pulled out a great system for something thats barely usable.. did you do any user acceptance testing SAP?


Change is always good!

Ineffable Rehman 8 years ago 0

But cant define this interface as standard of excellence. I believe all users out here want a seamless experience so looking forward to the same.


Not able to see all questions which had been put up by me earlier

Amber 8 years ago 0

In Earlier SCN , I could just go to my user name and see all my previous questions (whether answered or unanswered) and could easily navigate to them. Now i Can't see my older questions which I have asked before . This is a very important feature which needs to be there. I personally liked the earlier SCN layout much better than this one


Please recover old page visit counts

Cesar 8 years ago 0

The visit counters in blogs have been reset to zero, thus losing very valuable information.

Please recover the old number and continue the counting.

Under review

refresh of notification flag

Eli Klovski 8 years ago updated by Franz Heidl 8 years ago 3


Notification flag (next to User's picture in the right upper screen) is not refreshed automatically unless the page is refreshed in the browser. In old SCN, this functionality was available: automatic refresh of notification/moderation happened every 3-5 minutes. Since, it's possible that multiple tabs are open at the same period on the new platform, functionality of automatic refresh is essential




Miss an option to change EMAIL

mantas vaisvilas 8 years ago 0