Why not all of my questions appear in My questions sectionof the profile?

Nadezhda Rukavishnikova 7 years ago updated by Folkert Eilts 7 years ago 1

I created 3 new questions in the last two days, but none of them is present in My questions sectionof my profile. Are all questions going through the approval process now before being published?


there is no approval required. I do see two questions from today and one from 30/11. Please check your profile again.

When you view content on your profile you should be aware of the following:

We always display a cached version of the profile. Updates of a profile like showing latest content are being triggered whenever the last view of the profile is older than 10 minutes. After this update is being done you need to reload your profile again in order to seem them. Hence I assume that you either had a look at your profile after you submitted the question and it took place in less than 10 mins after the actual submission or that you did not reload the page.

We of course know that this is not the ideal situation and we are also looking into designing a faster solution.
