
Profile Pic & Profile all content should also be copied as well

kaus19d 8 years ago updated by Gabriella Gogl-Gyorgy 8 years ago 1

what I feel that unlike other contents, the Profile details & profile pic also we are manually uploading, but I guess, if that is a migration from the existing SCN then it is also suppossed to migrate all the members all contents also, and we should be asked again fill up all the details manually. The old SCN or the new SCN Beta(when trying to create a new profile) should throw up a link to confirm to migrate all settings & content detais to the new SCN Beta. I guess that is called getting upgraded to the new-one



When designing the new profile, it was an intention not to copy the structure of the old SCN profile 1:1, but to provide something better. The previous SCN was based on one platform with all it advantages and disadvantages. In order to achieve better stability, architecture improvements and less problems than running on one platform, the new SCN will run on multiple best-of-breed platforms developed, customized and handled by SAP itself to provide a better user experience in the end. Due to these facts, settings and content cannot be migrated 1:1, but the most important items will be migrated, such as followers/followings, blog posts...etc.

