Under review

C-User missing

Carla Francisco 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

My profile only mentions a P-User (I honestly don't know how it was created) but is missing my C-User, which I need to have associated with my e-mail in order to have different permissions in order to be able to view certain documents. Can anyone help me make this association?

Under review

Hi Carla,

This is your profile for your P user, right? https://people.sap.com/te_francisco

I think I also found your C user, which was never seem to be used to log on to platforms like SCN or sap.com. If you visit such pages and try to log on with your C user you should be getting an upgrade registration form, asking to input a username that is required if you wish to have a separate People profile for your C user.

Towards the end of the year, we will be rolling out an account linking feature, where you will be able to link your different user IDs and have a visual representation on your profiles, that you own multiple accounts.

Would be interesting for us if you could share some thoughts around what your would expect to happen when your multiple user IDs are associated.



Hi Gabi,

Thank you for your reply. I expect that my C-User will allow me to access documents that I need for translation projects. For instance, when I access this link: https://translation.sap.com/marketing-translation.html I get the message "Unfortunately, you do not have permission to view the requested information".

I have tried to log on with my C-User and current password, but all I get is the message "Sorry, we could not authenticate you. Try again."

