Make URLs SEO Friendly

ankur0101 8 years ago updated by kaus19d 8 years ago 1

Instead of making URL like https://scn.sap.com/thread/36572577, it would be great to make URL like https://scn.sap.com/thread/declare-variables-in-sap-hana-studio

What happens if someone else posts with the same "declare variables in sap hana studio" matter, then it can confuse the matter like in SCN wirh the same @name we can get a multiple users list, it should also be like creating user-name in gmail, like an individual user id or thread id. The only thing here matters is that sometime the Discussion-thread will come like https://scn.sap.com/thread/< thread no> & other time it will come as https://scn.sap.com/message/< message no>. This matter only can create confusion like I did an Alert moderator once by thinking as different/cross-posting.

