Badges to be shared in LinkedIn profile
There shall be provision to share the badges or other achievements in our LinkedIn profile.
Customer support service by UserEcho
LinkedIn, after that someone will ask Twitter, then someone will ask for Facebook, & so what next? SCN is not your chatting site to reflect your status. See the thing is, SCN is built for helping each other, its not about showing-off one another. Anyways, the Badges will not get any of your work done or clear any interview. Its just for show, some sort of Virtual Things to keep you motivated only to stay connected to SCN.
as much as we would like to, we have no influence on what things LinkedIn (or FB or anyone else for that matter) show on their pages, it is definitely beyond our powers to push any content over to them.
Hi Kaushik,
I am really glad to hear from a real user who gets it.
I'm really tired of the cheerleaders who go "oooh it looks so pretty". Or worse, "I haven't tested it, but I know everything will work wonderfully!"
Regards, Mike (Moderator)
SAP Technology RIG
Just was trying to motivate people to give some innovative ideas instead of what I found that people are demoralizing the new SCN instead of helping & some of them also, I found, that they forgot the help they received & will also receive from SCN in their critical times of need. No offense, just a simple truth.
Hi Kaushik,
thanks for speaking up, please keep posting!