
Navigation back to stating page missing from Profile (like a Back Button?)

Roger Hermesdorf 9 years ago updated by volker gersabeck01 9 years ago 6

Navigation back to stating page missing from Profile (like a Back Button?)

...and an edit button for my post ;-) "..back to starting page..."

Under review

Hi Roger,

could you please describe in more detail what kind of back button you are missing? Are you using your smartphone or desktop? Where were you coming from when you visited the profile? And what do you want to edit? Your own blog post?



Hi Volker,

I used Google Chrome and IE11 on a Surface Pro 3. Click on my picture in menu

and come to the page "https://people.sap.com/" with my profil.

No way back to the entry http://go.sap.com/community/beta.html

The other was just more a joke :-) I did write "stating" instead of "starting" so I forgot a 'r' and couldn't edit my mistake ...


Hi Roger,

thanks for the clarification. Yes, we're still missing some parts of the overall navigation, which would also solve your issue. So please be patient with us, we're on it!

