Under review

Sort order of followers and following

Craig 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

I can't see any rhyme or reason as to the sort order of the people I'm following or the people following me. PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you did not sort this by the users "P" or "S" numbers!!!!


Hi Craig,

surprise surprise, these are in fact NOT ordered by user type :)

We display the list in the same sequence we get it from the respective subscriptions API, and they should be in chronological order (point in time when someone followed/was followed.), which makes perfect sense IMO.

Under review

Hi Craig,

I am afraid I have to take back everything I said except for the part where I stated we use the same sequence we get from the API. The sorting indeed APPEARS to be by user id (and user type), I don't have this confirmed yet though.

I just had it confirmed there currently is NO sorting.

Sorry, I know we have to do better than that.

Not a problem! Hopefully you all can figure a way to make the list more usable by us users.

Thanks for following up with this!
