
I am not able to view points which I have achieved I am very disappointing and no mission viewable

avinashgowda 87 8 years ago updated by michael appleby 8 years ago 1

I am not able to view points which I have achieved I am very disappointing and no mission viewable

Once logged in, go to answers.sap.com and your Karma points should be visible. Your points from old SCN did not transfer, but if you want to see your old badges, points, and level, click on your icon and when the menu opens up, click on the icon on the menu. A new webpage will open. At the bottom left, there is a subsection called Reputation. Under it is a link named Legacy Badges. Click on Legacy Badges and you should see the points, badges and level you had in old SCN.

Cheers, Mike (Moderator)

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