
Option to ask question to other people ( one to one )

Pravin Kumar 8 years ago updated by Franz Heidl 8 years ago 3

Via profile, there should be an option to ask question directly to the profile you are looking for.

Suppose you are going through a thread and a guy has answered a query. Relevant to that thread if the any other people needs additional help , then he can reach out to the person via clicking his profile and can ask question.

The person obviously has an option whether to answer it or not as per his/her convenience.

A notification can be introduced if the query was rejected or answered.

Not sure that makes sense as we generally discourage private conversations unless proprietary content is involved. Openly viewed and answered questions allow others to benefit from the solutions which are provided.

How does your suggestion fit in with that philosophy? It is unclear to me.

Regards, Mike (Moderator)

SAP Technology RIG

It appears to me that what you're after is Direct Messages? The current implementation allows you to send a Direct Message to any user who's following you (There will be a ”Direct Message” Button on the profile of each of your Followers when you’re logged in).