
Missing past answered Questions

Mahesh 8 years ago updated by Jens Schwendemann 8 years ago 2

They should be visible in the archives. Try these three different search choices as they are each with their own strengths and uses:



Regards, Mike (Moderator)
SAP Technology RIG

I'm sorry but it should not be that hard for us. We contributed a lot. We asked questions, we gave answers, we commented on blogs.

Not only did you effectively kill all the notifications on questions, blogs, bookmarked sites where we participated in (it was great that you got a notification when e.g. a new comment to a blog came in you almost forgot by the time being), now you would even refrain from migrating over that content where we participated.

Please at least(!) provide that legacy content somewhere. Give us back our history! All the better revive notifications, too, where it makes sense (blogs, bookmarked sites, etc)

