Every day I get angry about this site. You find nothing. Everything you need to do here cost you a lot of time. You get no feedback if you send a contact message. This site is the worst disaster I’ve ever seen in my work life
Every day I get angry about this site. You find nothing. Everything you need to do here cost you a lot of time. You get no feedback if you send a contact message. This site is the worst disaster I’ve ever seen in my work life. Plese reactivate old SCN.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Willi,
with getting no feedback on contact messages you are referring to the functionality "Send a Message" from your profile?
Hi Eilts,
sorry for the late reply, workday was hard yesterday. I asked about my blogs that were not published. I was writing a blog ant it vanished after the migration to the new portal. Attached you see the webmaster mail I got.
Best regards
Willi Eimler
Hi Willi,
First, from the screenshot I see that you've reached the wrong support team!
From the Support option (on sap.com header) you need to make sure to select "Community" from the dropdown menu.
The best way is to reach out directly by email: sapnetwork@sap.com
Regarding the blog that you've created on SCN and cannot find:
try to find it from your profile: https://people.sap.com/ > Blog posts
if you cannot see it, maybe it was archived. try searching the archive by title https://archive.sap.com/
if you still cannot find it please provide me or the support with title of the blog or the old URL of the blog on SCN
KR - David C
Hi David,
1. if someone selects the wrong category, the supporter should reply, that he can't help because of the wrong selected category. In my opinion, silence is not an option to react.
all my published blogs are available. But all my unpublished blogs vanished.
Best regards
Willi Eimler
Hi Willi,
1. I agree. Silence is not an the correct support. I can take care of that if you provide me with your email address (I am not sure how to find your email address from this site)
I have access to the support tool and using your email address I can track down the full history of how it was handled. I can even see details of the individual support agent that handled it.
2. Un-published content was not migrated!
Do you need my help to retrieve your drafts from your old SCN profile? (if so, please provide the URL of your old SCN profile)
Kind regards,
David C
Hi David,
sorry for the late reply. I have to migrate, upgrade and dual stack split our PI Systems till February.
Yes I need your help. I want my unpublished blogs. You requested "the URL of my old SCN login". How can I determine it? The old SCN is down. My S-Account is S0002694003.
Best regards
Willi Eimler