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Moize 8 years ago 0

Reach this place to learn and getting part of big plans and visions connected with basics of accounts. I am a tutor and worked in SAP with Philips under Infosys. It is basics and the reports we prepared under GL is simple to understand and interprete depending on company to company. I have less knowledge but easy to graps if coding are known properly and even small business owners are finding it easy to take decision fast in terms of records they have of inventory and the supplier and customer credit duration. Please share any opportunity if there.


What did you do

philip johnston 8 years ago 0

very poor design. Difficult to use and find information.


Where to find my contacts?

GertZ 8 years ago updated by michael appleby 8 years ago 1

Just signed up and got this request to put my two pence in. So there we go: how do I find people I already know? And how to contact with others?


Mouse move over people hyperlink the options are missing like follow/unfollow

Malathesha Sodad 8 years ago 0

When you find an interesting article or blog by an person you will find his details with hyperlink but there are no mouse move over hyperlink options are available for quick follow/unfollow.


Cannot edit UserEcho topic

p astashonak 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

How can I edit submitted UserEcho topic? I see no edit button.


Quotation button is missing

p astashonak 8 years ago 0

Why can't I quote another person's words? When I comment I see no quotation button and no other way whatsoever.

Image 100


Add a link to download passport certificate

andrew frigaard 8 years ago 0

In the new profile account Settings page, please add a link to help find and download the SAP Passport logon certificate.


not able to see community documents

Rohidas Shinde 8 years ago 0

Previously we can see the all solution documents created in particular community.