Under review

Account Settings

Jeremy Good 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 5

I just went to the Account Settings link next to my Avatar circle in the header (https://people.sap.com/manage) and noticed the following text at the bottom:

"There are no linked social accounts. You may link your account to facebook, twitter, google, or linkedin the next time you log in."

Actually (proper spelling of company names), I just added links to my Twitter and LinkedIn profiles as test cases in my BETA SCN profile. Are these not the same as social accounts?

Under review

Hi Jeremy,

linking your social accounts means that you have to link your social account once with your SAP Cloud Identity account and from then on you could also use your social account for log in. In order to do so you need to trigger this one-time linking from the login page. So call for instance people.sap.com which will show the login page, then choose one of the social icons e.g. Twitter shown below the Log On button. You will get prompted to provide your Twitter credentials, then you need to provide your normal SAP Cloud ID credentials (the ones your are using to log into SCN) and the linking is done. Next time you want to log in you can directly click on the Twitter icon and use the Twitter credentials.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

We also corrected the spelling of the company names.

I think if you want to provide social media linking it should be a configure setting area in the profile and not require logging in/out several times. Similar to one of the other posts here in the forum, the logout option doesn't work because of SSO (which is actually a good thing).

I assume the spelling changes will show up in a future update?

Spelling changes are in place: Your account is linked to Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, and Google.

I can confirm the spelling fix, but still feel there would be more seamless ways to integrate with social profiles out there, especially if we are dictating the ones that can be used.

I'm not sure which spelling they prefer, the LinkedIn or the one with the blue box?