Your comments


No news ?

I would like to recover my identity =>

and have it merged with the one created for the beta =>

both were linked to the same S-user, but I cannot use the original one, with the people I was following.

It seems I'm not the only one to complain about the loss of the PDF download option

A picture is worth a thousand words => Acrobat Pdf conversion on left, Jive output on right !

Best regards

I also miss the PDF download option. Using a pdf convertor is not providing a document as optimized as the one provided by Jive...

Would it be at least possible to have a "print preview" option to display document without useless header ?

A picture is worth a thousand words => Acrobat Pdf conversion on left, Jive output on right !

Hello Gabriella

Any news ?

I would like to recover my identity


Hello Gabriella

Thanks for you answer.

My s-user is S0010915682, my old SCN identity was => and my new one is I thought the account was based on the S-User, as I was already logging on SCN using my marketplace certificate.

Converting pages with acrobat/chrome is not as convenient/fast as the old PDF download option.

I will miss the RSS feeds as they were really powerfull allowing to browse a lot of new posts in many areas. I had RSS feed for more than 20 different topics.

I'm afraid that tags will never be that efficient... but I hope i'm wrong and that popular tags will emerge and allow to federate information in a more efficient way.

Best regards