Your comments

On your own Profile, there's a link "Upload" right underneath the Avatar:

Are you referring to the new Profile or the new Community as a whole?

What is it exactly that you don't like about the new Profile?

Hi Mike,

you certainly have a point there. Nonetheless, we, the Profile team, heave set up UserEcho to collect end user feedback as honest and quickly as possible, and we certainly DO get a LOT of flak for things we are not responsible for (i.e. outside of the scope of the profile). Nonetheless, we handle the feedback, forward it to where we think it needs to go, etc. So please don't spoil the positive feedback we get, I think someone wanting to tell us their first impression that's as fine as any other feedback IMO.



Email notifications are not implemented yet, but will be at some point in the future.

Hi Craig,

surprise surprise, these are in fact NOT ordered by user type :)

We display the list in the same sequence we get it from the respective subscriptions API, and they should be in chronological order (point in time when someone followed/was followed.), which makes perfect sense IMO.


Here's more about the future of the reputation system:

For the time being, there's the number and a link to your badges form the old SCN in the sidebar of the profile:

Once you click the link, you can see your badges, points, and level:

We would like to keep this field as short as possible, as its main purpose is to give a really short hint on who you are, like a short introduction. We do understand the need for more information about yourself and might consider it for a future version of the profile.


there's the number and a link to your legacy badges form the old SCN in the sidebar:

Once you click the link, you can see your badges, points, and level: